Active Tree Services: Vegetation Management

“We were looking to take our people strategy to a new level, breaking new ground and in a lot of ways challenging norms that organisations hold too sacred at times.
Your contribution was invaluable, guiding us and giving us the framework to set out on this journey. I firmly believe that the program you assisted with creating will be the single most important undertaking this business will commit to this year”.

BrendanMurphy, CEO Active Tree Services

Pacific Power: Energy

"Your leadership of the organisation wide change project was impressive, demonstrating great ability during a very difficult period and successfully implementing workforce reform, internal and external communications and outplacement initiatives. I valued your professional advice and support during this transition period. A highlight was the major conference developed and managed by you and your team to announce very important news of significant organisational change. The conference achieved much positive feedback from staff even though large numbers of them faced personal challenges arising from the news. Particularly appreciated by the staff was the clear, open and truthful presentation of the organisation’s circumstances as well as the efforts being made, particularly by you and your team, to support them through the process."

Ralph Garland, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Pacific Power

Fiserv: Financial Services

"Thankyou for your contributions to our … project, HR strategy, change management program and communications. I have been personally enriched through our collaboration and believe that I have amassed a great wealth of experience from your practical thinking, sound advice and the specific knowledge you have shared around how to successfully conduct a major change program.”

KenTrue, CEO Fiserv Solutions of Australia

Director Europe Imports Pty. Ltd

“Di’s coaching has helped me to find a more solid concentration of priorities, closer scrutiny of the business, more confidence to make better decisions and more confidence in myself. You have respect for everyone and see the best in everyone.”

Paula Jandey, Director Europe Imports Pty. Ltd

Human Capital Magazine

“Author Di Worrall… has a knack for bringing broad concepts of social change and applying those concepts to the business world. Her excellent book, A Climate for Change, uses global warming as the springboard into analysis of what does and does not work in many corporate change initiatives.”

Iain, Hopkins, Editor Human Capital Magazine

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula blandit sapien quis aliquet. Nam placerat porta orci nec suscipit. Vestibulum eget diam odio. Mauris risus libero, vestibulum sed iaculis in, viverra ac nibh. Suspendisse lectus leo, sollicitudin vitae rhoncus vel, consequat scelerisque dolor. Curabitur ut nisi dui. Vivamus ipsum sem, molestie eget placerat tempus, consequat ac mi. Suspendisse potenti. Integer sed mi tortor. Sed id imperdiet leo. Suspendisse elementum, leo vel placerat auctor, enim sapien laoreet dolor, a auctor lectus urna quis ligula. Mauris non massa dolor, id sollicitudin massa. Vestibulum malesuada, eros sed semper vehicula, lectus libero congue nibh, cursus egestas arcu arcu semper purus. Ut vestibulum odio dignissim risus mollis fringilla. Vestibulum et ligula vestibulum sem consequat iaculis et nec risus. Nulla facilisi. Nullam massa quam, mattis ac iaculis vitae, bibendum ac sapien. Aliquam ac tortor id elit feugiat facilisis sed sed tellus.

Etiam consectetur ipsum mattis diam interdum at mollis nulla tempor. Nullam condimentum luctus libero pulvinar lobortis. Proin lorem sapien, fringilla eget eleifend et, faucibus sit amet lorem. Morbi tortor dui, gravida in consequat ut, tempor quis massa. Suspendisse et porttitor orci. Phasellus sit amet diam nunc. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse sed sapien risus. Morbi id arcu ante, at vulputate lectus. Praesent aliquet rutrum arcu aliquam ornare. Etiam nec sem ante, id mollis sem. Mauris eget felis dolor, sed fermentum eros.

Sun Microsystems: Leading IT multinational

“The insight I gained into myself from Di's coaching was truly eye opening. I gained clarity with regard to my strengths, and more importantly, discovered areas of potential improvement that I was previously unaware of. Once identified, small changes was all it took to produce significant positive results. I highly recommend Di's coaching to people who are serious in exploring continuous self improvement.”

Mark Migallo, ANZ Channel Development Manager, Sun Microsystems