Leading Change Blog

Leading Change Blog (119)
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:55
Relax, Don’t Worry: The Brain Science of Productivity
Everyone you meet these days is overworked and out of time. In our tech-enhanced world, we have more timesaving helpers and systems than ever before. iStock 000004089220IdeaHead 300x224 Relax, Dont Worry: The Brain Science of Productivity So, why isn’t there enough time to juggle our work, home and health responsibilities? We have an enhanced quality of life, but we’re also adding to our stress levels by taking on more tasks than we have resources to handle. There’s a tremendous need for new methods, systems and, above all, habits to keep us on track. Information Fatigue You’ve probably already discovered that whichever system or calendar you’re using to track projects and priorities is important, but limited. As management guru Peter Drucker…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:52
Relax Your Way to Wealth
RELAX – wealth is on the way … Now that I have ventured into the world of publishing, I frequently have the opportunity to get an advanced look at new information products. From time to time, new titles grab my attention, like this one I’d like to share with you. Best selling author and success coach Peggy McColl has a refreshing new take on attracting success and abundance into your life. Don’t work any harder. …Chill out and relax. Peg says most people who struggle with Law of Attraction are simply too uptight about making more money, enjoying better health, finding that ‘one-and-only’ true love … And this ‘up-tightness’ actually creates a wall of negative energy between you and the…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:50
Business Breakthrough for 2010 Coaching Update
I asked Paula Jandey of Renaissance Tiles, one of my current small business clients to describe her experience: What compelled you to seek out the services of a coach? I felt the need for coaching due to an instability in the economy which as a consequence was flowing on to my business and my personal life as I wanted to have expert guidance on priorities and better management of all areas to ensure that I overcome these difficulties and regain the stability. I also had personal issues which I felt could be helped with guidance also. Where are you finding the most beneficial in our coaching relationship ? for your business I am finding that a more solid concentration…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:50
Di Features in HR Magazine Cover Story on “Sustainable Change”
I was interviewed recently for the cover story of Human Capital Magazine Issue 7.9 Magazine Editor Iain Hopkins writes…” Di.. has a knack for bringing broad concepts of social change and applying those concepts to the business world. Her excellent book A Climate for Change , uses global warming as the springboard into analysis of what does and does not work in many corporate change initiatives… ” Catch the full story at http://issuu.com/keymedia/docs/ozhc7.9
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:48
Leadership and Women – Babes In Business Suits the Book Arrives in Australia
Babes in Business Suits is the first in a remarkable series by Canadian author and publisher Felicia Pizzonia, celebrating the entrepreneurial success stories of women around the world. Babes In Business Suits showcases the work and accomplishments of 12 of the world’s top female entrepreneurs – and I have the honour of being the “aussie babe” featured in the book! All the women featured are from different countries and different backgrounds. We share our success stories, and our trials and tribulations in the hope that you will feel motivated and inspired you to reach out for your goals. If you want to buy a copy before it hits the book stores here in Australia, I have a limited supply…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:47
Leadership and Change – Are CEOs a roadblock to organisational change?
The esteemed position of corporate Chief Executive. With the right occupant, the traditional position of Chief Executive is generally regarded as essential to the continued prosperity and evolution of an organisation. Or is it? Our leaders and educators, and those that came before them instructed us in how organisations work. The models and systems we put in place were largely designed for an age in which the orderly production of goods and services was the dominant economic model for an ever-growing consumer market. Centralised control and authority inside a hierarchy was the primary enabling structure, and the office of the Chief Executive naturally emerged at its apex. However, the industrial age as we knew it has been over for decades with the last 30 years creating a new playing field: Access to information has shifted from the wealthy few to the majority. …
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:47
Change Agents – An Unlikely Hero
Phil Black from CNN News brought the Middle Eastern story of a Baghdad traffic cop from Good Morning Middle East and onto the international stage, describing him as an “unlikely but effective hero in a city that needs a lot of them”. The traffic official he is referring to is General Amar Al Kayet. General Amar is an ordinary man in Iraq’s Baghdad who has taken an extraordinary stand to save the lives of people travelling in vehicles on Baghdad’s perilous streets. Baghdad’s streets are not only congested with angry, hot and impatient drivers caught in gridlock nearly every day, but the streets are also plagued with the dangers of speeding military convoys, violence and murder. The casualties of Iraqi…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:43
A Climate for Change – the book – Arrives
A Climate for Change – the book – has arrived. Its first outing was at the National Business Leaders Sustainability Forum at Australia’s Parliament House. As it happens, the Forum proved the ideal venue for the launch, with the key messages of the book striking a chord with over 120 participants securing a copy. The clear message from those who perused the new book, was that A Climate for Change represents a new model of sustainable leadership. The type of leadership that we need to embrace right now if we are to survive the current climate of change and uncertainty, and position ourselves for a more sustainable and successful future. Forum participants were an impressive group of some of…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:42
Restructuring and Redundancy: When is Downsizing not the right strategy?
At first glance, corporate downsizing could appear to be a logical pathway to improved profitability during poor economic conditions. Dr Wayne Casio in his 2002 book, “Responsible Restructuring” cites research which offers some surprising results to the contrary. Drawn from an 18-year study of leading companies, this research indicates that the most profitable companies were those where employee turnover remained less than 5% in any particular year and those which were on a path of growth. In stark contrast, organisations that were downsizing appeared at the bottom of the profitability bucket. So, downsizing as a strategy in isolation may not yield the profitability outcomes businesses may hope for. Downsizing may not be the right strategy if, on balance, the negative…
Friday, 19 July 2013 10:37
Managing Change – What can this koala tell us about resilience in difficult times?
Take a moment to consider the Australian state of Victoria. Over the last few weeks, the temperature was reported to be above 44 degrees with burning wind, out-of-control bushfires and catastrophic power outages. The toll in human life continues to rise, with record mortality rates amongst the elderly due to the heat and hundreds of lives lost in the firestorms. The hearts of many Australians are heavy as we come to terms with the scale of these losses. We’re also reminded of the impact these events are having on domestic pets, livestock and the local wildlife population. Losses which cannot be calculated. But amongst all this, are stories of hope and inspiration – take this wild koala. Koalas are relatively…